Tuesday 23 March 2010


Given that I abjectly failed, I'm re-purposing this blog. This is going to be an outlet for any music I do or don't record, notes on such, and ideas for music. It seems fairly clear I don't do well with deadlines, so we'll see if I can cope without.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Month 2, Day 20

It might seem like I've been keeping radio silence because I suck. This is not, in fact, the case. I have finally procured me a fancy microphone, as of about 6.00 today. Expect to see demos. I threw together an ugly kind of cover of a Jenny Lewis song in about half an hour just to test it out, and you can listen to it or download it here, but I warn you, it's kind of rough.

Anyway. Watch this space.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Day One

Today is the first day, so here's a bit of an action plan. It's an action plan ... of ACTION.

Going on a capacity of 80 minutes for a CD, giving 3 1/2 minutes for a track, that's 23 tracks. Obviously, I'm not going to use every track I write, or every minute on the CD. I think 24 tracks is a good number to write, if I'm going to finish up with about twelve. In four months, that's six songs a month, and a month left over at the end to tie everything up (and pass my exams).

So from here on, it's a song about every five days. For four months.

This suddenly seems a bit more difficult than I had imagined. But not impossible. However, I'll need some kind of guitar. Luckily, I've just replaced the strings and bought a nice big 100W Fender amp. Unluckily, the amp is large and heavy and still at the shop, and the guitar is still in London. Oh, and my DS-10 shipped, but it hasn't arrived yet. Still, excitement.

Oh well, I'll just keep on thinking. And watching Futurama.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Minus one week

Listed here is the sum total of the equipment and instruments I currently own which may be useful in creating this album, which I'm going to give the (working) title of 'Five Months', because that's how long I have to make it:

One Ibanez Artcore AGS semi-acoustic guitar, antique burst finish
One Roland Micro Cube guitar amplifier
Two guitar leads, one long, one short
One 3.5 mm jack cable
One OS-2 Boss Overdrive/Distortion pedal
One Crybaby Hendrix wah pedal
Various picks, slide, capo
One six-piece Premier drumkit with various cymbals and accessories, glossy black finish
Various drumsticks
One Ghanaian djembe
One pair bongos
One half-moon tambourine, black
Two egg shakers, if I can find them
One harmonica in A
One (very sharp, old and generally falling apart) harmonica in C
One tin whistle in D
One tin whistle in Bb
Access to various pianos, including relatively isolated Steinway baby grand
One Korg MS-10 emulator
One old, but serviceable fiddle
One Jupiter alto saxophone
One toy ukelele
One HP laptop PC
One custom desktop PC
Access to Sibelius 4.0
Nervous optimism

I know I will need to somehow acquire (buy, steal or borrow):

Some kind of recording equipment, most probably a USB microphone and Audacity
A bass guitar
An amp with a reasonable wattage (read; greater than 2)
A new set of electric guitar strings
An acceptable mark in exams
And probably a bunch of other stuff I can't think of.